A training was held for field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina

Within the project “Improving the protection of unaccompanied minors in the region” which NGO Atina carries out together with the Permanent Mission of France to the UN and other international organisations in Vienna, a two-day training was held in April for the representatives of the Association for the Social Support of Youth - Arsis from Greece and the Association for action against violence and human trafficking - Open Gate: La Strada from Macedonia, which are in their own countries engaged in providing direct support to the refugee population.

The training provided an opportunity for the professionals to exchange practical experience in previous work with unaccompanied minors, and to improve the existing knowledge in the field of communication tailored to gender roles and cultural differences, as well as the legal frameworks governing the treatment of unaccompanied minors in the national, as well as international, legislation.

Since the expansion of the refugee crisis in our region, NGO Atina has been actively involved in direct assistance and support to this population, women who are travelling alone or with children, as well as persons who survived gender-based violence.

With the aim of providing more efficient direct support in the field, NGO Atina conducts numerous educations and trainings for representatives of various organisations and institutions.

NGO Atina,Arsis,La strada, minors
NGO Atina,Arsis,La strada, human trafficking
NGO Atina,Arsis, La strada
NGO Atina, Arsis, La strada, unaccompanied minors
NGO Atina, Arsis, La strada, unaccompanied minors
NGO Atina, Arsis, La strada, unaccompanied minors
NGO Atina,Permanent Mission of France to the UN
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
NGO Atina,Permanent Mission of France to the UN
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
A training was held for field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
A training was held for field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
La strada, Arsis,NGO Atina,  human trafficking
NGO Atina,Arsis,La strada, human trafficking
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors
field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
Arsis, NGO Atina, La strada, unaccompanied minors