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Why is human trafficking said to be a low-risk and highly profitable criminal activity?delatnost?
This implies a situation when a society is not sufficiently aware of this problem, when state institutions and communities are not sufficiently prepared and able to respond to this problem, when laws are not effective, when there are no safety networks for victims, when police does not investigate, nor prosecute, perpetrators, when traffickers are not afraid because they assess their criminal operations as low-risk. In fact, the risk of detection and detention of offenders, and their criminal prosecution, is significantly lower compared to risks faced by the perpetrators of other crimes. On the other hand, the victims are often not ready to report the traffickers because they are confronted with the danger of deportation, threats, fear of revenge and other consequences.
As long as there are individuals willing to pay for sex, there will be a market that is profitable for traffickers who sexually exploit children and adults. And, currently there is a high and constant demand for cheap, unskilled labour, sex and other services provided by victims of human trafficking. Will of consumers to buy products and services from industries that rely on forced labour encourages traffickers to maximize income, while reducing production costs. In addition to that, exploitation of trafficking victims lasts for a long period of time, which allows traffickers to have continuous inflow of money, and start-up capital for engaging in this criminal activity is not required.
Dokle god pojedinci budu spremni da plate za seks, dotle će postojati tržište koje je profitabilno za trgovce koji seksualno eksploatišu decu i odrasle. A trenutno postoji visoka i konstantna tražnja za jeftinom, nekvalifikovanom radnom snagom, uslugama seksa i drugim uslugama koje pružaju žrtve trgovine ljudima. Volja potrošača da kupuju proizvode i usluge iz industrija koje se oslanjaju na prisilni rad podstiče trgovce radnom snagom na maksimalno povećanje prihoda uz smanjenje troškove proizvodnje. Osim toga, eksploatacija žrtava trgovine traje duži vremenski period što trgovcima omogućava kontinuirani priliv novca, a početni kapital za bavljenje ovom kriminalnom delatnošću nije potreban.