Enhancement of safety and security of victims of domestic and partner violence in the safe houses in Serbia

Photo: Marija Piroški

In the photo: Marijana Savić, director of social enterprise Bagel Bejgl

They started with five employees and now have the most prominent companies among their customers

Published on December 14, 2023, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e., NGO Atina)

NGO Atina became a member of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention on the EU

Ilija Đukanović, Local Anti-Trafficking Team of the City of Subotica, and Jelena Hrnjak, NGO Atina 

Published on November 14, 2023, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e., NGO Atina)

Prosecutors from Bosnia and Herzegovina analyzed the challenges in processing cases of the criminal offense of human trafficking through a series of panel discussions on the topic "Human trafficking as a form of gender-based violence."

We need stricter sanctions and for the system to recognize revenge pornography as a separate criminal offense / Illustration: Freepik

ToR for a consultant to develop case studies aimed at showcasing the present system of identification, referral, and protection of victims of HT and GBV in Serbia

On Friday, September 30, 2023, political scientist Milan Aleksić and clinical psychologist Dragana Ćuk Milankov from NGO Atina spoke at a panel dedicated to “Prevention of sexual exploitation and prostitution in Serbia,“ organized within the Days of the Forum of Judges of Serbia.
