With the sounds of the saxophone and New York jazz, and many guests, NGO Atina celebrated one year since the establishment of social enterprise Bagel Bejgl shop.

During 2016, with the support and partnership of NGO Atina, IRC (International Rescue Committee) conducted an assessment of the protection of women and children within the refugee population in four key locations with the highest concentration of refugees in Serbia - in Preševo, Dimitrovgrad, Bel

Regional training on migration was held in Zagreb, organized by ICITAP (International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program of the Department of Justice USA) and the Police Academy in Zagreb, and it gathered representatives of eight countries in the region who, on this occasion, had

“Rethink your policies and decisions: They force refugee women and girls into the criminal underground economy and into smugglers’ hands. The people we see are not economic migrants. Many are simply trying to save their lives. They have no alternatives except to flee.

During 2015, more than 700,000 people passed through the Western Balkan countries in order to reach Europe and find refuge from the war.

There are 2,000 child marriages in Serbia each year, It is feared that the number is even higher, because the statistics do not include persons under the age of 16, as a marriage before that age is prohibited by law, nor under-age common law marriages.

Whenever any of my friends returns from abroad, especially from the US, they keep talking for days and days about the bagel they ate there, fantastic bagel, the best, which, as such, does not exist anywhere else in the world.

Whenever any of my friends returns from abroad, especially from the US, they keep talking for days and days about the bagel they ate there, fantastic bagel, the best, which, as such, does not exist anywhere else in the world.
