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Atina at the Conference "Freedom doesn’t have a price“

On 15th of November 2018, in Novi Sad was held the 6th Conference named "Freedom doesn’t have a price“, organized by the Informal Youth Group "Freedom doesn’t have a price" with the support of Novi Sad Youth Capital of Europe 2019 – OPENS.
The work of NGO Atina was presented to participants of organized panel discussion, through the approach of practical experience such as who are human trafficking victims, what it means to have and to run the licensed shelter for human trafficking victims, the duration of recovery of the victims and how the social inclusion of human trafficking victims is possible. At the same time, there were references to presumed traffickers and court practice in processing this crime and human trafficking victim protection. By exposing the practice examples, both NGO Atina and other participants of the Conference, highlighted the importance of involving all the relevant stakeholders in timely response and adequate human trafficking victim protection, as well as the risks in the cases of the lack of this kind of protection, and how it appears in practice.
The participants had the opportunity to listen to the excerpts from the study case “Eight Stories” that was published by NGO Atina, and which was interpreted by radio broadcasting “Women in a Box”.
“Eight Stories” publication can be found via following link:
The radio broadcast “Women in a Box” about human trafficking can be listened through the following link :