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Strengthening the fight against human trafficking

Local news - Friday, July 28, 2017 - 11:04
This year, Local network for combating human trafficking in the City of Vranje marks July 30, World Day against Trafficking in Persons, with an action that will include migrants as the most vulnerable category in these transactions.
Local network for combating human trafficking in Vranje will mark the World Day against Trafficking in Persons by distributing leaflets and promotional material on Monday, July 31, 2017, in the period from 11 AM to 1 PM.
The action will take place in all the locations in the city where young people gather: City pool, promenade, park, Youth Alliance, and Youth Office.
This year, Local network for combating human trafficking in Vranje has been engaged in the implementation of the project “Let’s Build Together – Community Monitoring and Advocacy” which aims to improve the position of migrants and refugees, especially women and children among this population, as well as to improve the quality of coexistence between the refugees and the local population.
- We are familiar with all the aspects of human trafficking, and we understand that refugees from the Middle East are currently the most vulnerable in that sense, as they are constantly being targeted by the smugglers.
Therefore, in addition to promotional materials in Serbian, Red Cross volunteers will also distribute leaflets in English language, intended for migrants and the general public.
Red Cross Vranje volunteers will, while distributing leaflets, be open for all the questions of interested citizens on this topic, and also fill in a questionnaire: How much do citizens know about the issue of human trafficking? – the statement of the Local network cited.
World Day against Trafficking in Persons has been marked for the first time in Serbia and Vranje in 2014, after it was designated in November 2013, within the General Assembly Resolution “Improving the coordination of efforts against trafficking in persons”.
This day is marked with the aim to draw the attention of the global public to thousands of persons who have been abducted from their families, and became victims.
On the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, everyone who wishes to support this campaign will wear a blue heart badge, the symbol of social empowerment.