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Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
Published on February 29, 2024
Within the Erasmus+ funded project “Sport Zajedno - Promoting Social Inclusion and Reconciliation through grassroots youth sport” the NGO Atina together with the fairplay initiative at VIDC (Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation) is looking for an external evaluator
Project title: “SPORT ZAJEDNO - Promoting Social Inclusion and Reconciliation through Grassroots Youth Sport”
Project summary
Due to the conflict-ridden history, the Western Balkans Region (WBR) is facing challenges in terms of ethnic segregation, nationalism, and discrimination of disadvantaged groups. Sport is a sector of civil society progress that can be seen towards multi-ethnic, overcoming nationalist divides, and building local ownership.
The project “Sport Zajedno - Promoting Social Inclusion and Reconciliation through Grassroots Youth Sport” aims to promote social inclusion and post-conflict reconciliation among young people in and through grassroots sports across the Western Balkan Region. Methods to achieve this objective include training, education, awareness-raising, capacity-building of local grassroots sports stakeholders, and youth sports interventions.
Scope of work
The achievement of this overall objective of “SPORT ZAJEDNO” project shall be evaluated. The project runs from 1 February 2024 to 31 January 2026 (24 months).
To adequately track the effects of the project results, a monitoring and evaluation plan has been prepared. During the project implementation, relevant data for monitoring and evaluation is being gathered. For each planned activity, a timeframe has been set, indicators and sources of evidence have been identified, and those will serve as bases for the monitoring work. Monitoring and evaluation plan is to be conducted through collecting quantitative data and qualitative analysis of the achievements, with the assessment of short-term and long-term effects of activities.
The internal evaluation is being implemented by the project team. The project team ensures that the fulfillment of the targets is aligned with the proposed results from the project document and that all project activities are in line with the project timeline.
The following is being evaluated:
1. The degree of accomplishment of the project results. Instrument: internal evaluation of the project team
2. Realization of the project tasks and implemented activities. Instrument: list of activities and project tasks.
3. Level of activities participants’ satisfaction. Instrument: activities evaluation questionnaire.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Expert should monitor all the project components both separately and jointly, evaluate the project results, and assess the project’s contribution to the overall objectives and the relevance of the project's impact on the targeted population to provide recommendations on the way forward.
The specific objectives of the process are as follows:
- To independently assess results and impact achieved against the objectives and outputs specified in the original project proposal.
- To highlight any lessons learned and innovative aspects of the project and make recommendations as appropriate for project replication and future programming.
Timeframe |
Activities |
31/03/2024 |
Preparation of the draft M&E plan (including data collection methods and tools) |
05/04/2024 – 07/04/2024 |
Attendance of the Kick-off meeting of the project consortium to present the Monitoring and Evaluation plan to the project partners |
15/04/2024 |
Submission of the final Monitoring and Evaluation plan |
15/04/2024 – 31/01/2026 |
Data collection and creation of the preliminary Draft M&E report through monitoring following activities: Girls football festival, Training for sports multipliers in Belgrade, Mini Van Tour, final seminar/conference). One of those activities is to be visited in person by the expert. |
31/01/2026 – 15/02/2026 |
Draft M&E report sent to the project team for comments and inputs |
28/02/2026 |
Delivering the final M&E report |
HONORIUM (contract work, including taxes)
2.000 euro. The honorarium includes individual travel and subsistence costs to attend at least 2 partner meetings or events for monitoring in loco. If necessary, additional travel and subsistence costs may be covered by VIDC, if so, then it will be reimbursed on the basis of real costs.
The total cost should cover all preparatory work regarding the job description, and communication costs between the Project team, consultants and organizations (e-mail, telephone, fax, mail).
The interested consultants should develop and submit the bidding proposal in the English language to respond to above mentioned specific tasks no later than March 6, 2024. The bidding proposal should include:
1. Description and contact details of the expert applying;
2. CV of the person involved emphasizing only relevant experience;
3. Past performance in similar areas of the evaluator applying, with reference to previous contracting agencies.
The project team will decide on the selection of the most successful bidder, subject to the available budget.
All bids need to be submitted no later than March 6, 2024, in electronic version, to the David Hudelist, Fairplay Initiative – VIDC, and to Zorana Parezanović, NGO ATINA,
A selection will be made no later than March 11, 2024, and the selected consultants will be contracted no later than March 15, 2024. Only the selected candidates will be informed.