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Atina as a part of the third OSCE simulation-based training on combating human trafficking

The third OSCE simulation-based training on combating human trafficking along migration routes was conducted at the Centre of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) in Italy. Sixty-six anti-trafficking practitioners, from 30 OSCE participating States and three Partners for Co-operation gained better knowledge of indicators for identifying trafficked persons among mixed groups of migrants. Participants also practiced how to concretely apply a multi-agency and human rights-based approach in investigating trafficking cases and assisting victims.
The first day of the training focused on theoretical, methodological and technical issues related to anti-trafficking action in the mixed migration context, while the remaining four days were devoted to a live simulation exercise of sexual and labour exploitation cases among migrants, including child victims. During the simulation exercises, trainees honed their skills in paying attention to the effectiveness of investigation and prosecution on the one hand and to the protection of human rights through a victim-centered approach on the other. An important goal of the exercises was also to promote the use of financial investigations.
“This is a unique format that, as far as I am aware, has never before been applied on such a large scale and with such a far-reaching scope,” said Madina Jarbussynova, OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. “Improved synergies between governmental institutions and NGOs are critical to mitigating the impact of the current migration crisis on vulnerable people.”
Building on the lessons learnt from the first and second live-simulation exercises held in November 2016 and June 2017, and on feedback received from participants, experts and observers, this third training exercise featured extended time for the simulation and debriefing sessions. In addition to financial investigators, criminal investigators, labour inspectors, prosecutors, NGOs, social services providers, lawyers and cultural mediators, two journalists were also invited to the training. An additional novelty was the addition of links in the scenarios between terrorist groups and human trafficking organizations.
Atina’s representative Zorana Parezanović atteneded the Simulation – based training, as a part of the NGO „Right and future“ with the role of NGO Assistance and Social inclusion expert.
This training is part of a project which aims to enhance the capacity of interested OSCE participating States and Partners for Cooperation to effectively investigate and prosecute trafficking in human beings, and to promptly identify trafficked persons along migration routes by promoting a multi-agency and human rights-based approach. Eight donor countries are financing this project: Austria, Andorra, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Monaco and Switzerland. Fifteen partners are also contributing to its implementation: the Italian Carabinieri, the Municipalities of Venice and Vicenza, the University of Padova, EUNAVFOR, civil society networks and international organizations including INTERPOL, CEPOL, UNHCR and ICMPD.
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