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Practitioners in the fight against human trafficking

Practitioners in the fight against human trafficking
Within the project “Children are not for sale“, jointly implemented by NGO Atina, Center for Youth Integration with support of Save the Children and Swedish Radio Aid, a two day training “Practitioners in the Fight against Human Trafficking” took place. The training is specifically tailored to both male and female representatives of partner civil society organisations, to include the following: Praxis, Center for Youth Integration, Group 484 and Save the Children.
In total, 20 representatives of these organizations have undertaken the training on identifying the criminal act of human trafficking, criminal justice systems and judicial practice in the field of human trafficking in the Republic of Serbia. Also, a part of the training was devoted to the topic of reporting and investigative actions in the cases of human trafficking, as well as to the system of coordination and human trafficking victims’ referral mechanism. Participants had the opportunity to go through the indicators of identifying human trafficking victims and practice of direct assistance and protection of human trafficking victims. Renowned experts in this area participated in the training implementation - Radmila Dragicevic Dicic, Supreme Court of Cassation Judge, Goran Todorovic, Chief of the Department for Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling, Service for Combating Organized Crime (SBPOK), Mitar Djuraskovic, National Coordinator for Combating Human Trafficking, Sanja Savic, Expert Associate in the Center for Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking, as well as Zorana Parezanovic and Jelena Hrnjak from NGO Atina.
The purpose of the training was better recognition and identification of human trafficking victims among migrant population in Serbia. Participants evaluated the training with highest grades, and by the end of the year NGO Atina will continue working with these organisations on enhancing their capacity to recognize and refer to protection systems all the persons in migrant population who are at risk, or are exposed to human trafficking.
Pictures from this event can be found on the following link: