NGO Atina

Mocking both victims and institutions: How a convicted pimp Mihailo Maksimović became a seemingly important guest on national television programs

Mocking both victims and institutions: How a convicted pimp Mihailo Maksimović became a seemingly important guest on national television programs

Milica Radenković

20/04/2022 18.09

Few would have heard of Mihailo Maksimović if this convicted pimp had not written a book about his "job" and then became a welcomed guest in many media, including those with a national frequency.


Terms of Reference for the Experts for the development of the Wellbeing and Support Guide for the NGO Atina staff

Terms of Reference for the Experts for the development of the Wellbeing and Support Guide for the NGO Atina staff

Published on April 22, 2022 by NGO Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Gender Based Violence (i.e. NGO Atina)

Project title:  Enabling and Protecting Civic Spaces (EPCS) – Illuminating New Solutions and Programmatic Innovations for Resilient Spaces (INSPIRES)



RED NOSES International with children displaced from Ukraine

Clowns are the richest people in the world; they earn thousands of smiles in their lifetime. ~ Unknown author

RED NOSES International visited the Reintegration Center run by NGO Atina, and then they delighted children from Ukraine at the Asylum Center in Vranje. The visit was realized in the period April 21-25, 2022 with the support of Save the Children North West Balkans.


NGO Atina working with survivors of human trafficking in Serbia receive IT equipment

A donation of IT equipment (9 laptops, 4 computers and 2 projectors) was made to the Centre for Human Trafficking Victims’ Protection and NGO Atina - Citizens Association for combating trafficking in human beings and all forms of gender-based violence providing assistance and shelter to survivors of human trafficking in Serbia by the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Preventing and comba


Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

Photo: FoNet/Milica Vučković

Author: V. Jeremić

Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

At the end of the election campaign, the Minister of Labor, Darija Kisić, should open the Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking, demonstrating to the public that the current government cares for the most vulnerable categories of society.

