NGO Atina

ToR for the researcher on the subject of supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention

ToR for the researcher on the subject of supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention

Terms of Reference for the researcher on the subject of supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention

Published on July 4, 2022 by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e. NGO Atina)


Educated girls can change the world

Educated girls can change the world

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, an action was carried out in Bosilegrad on the initiative of girls who participated in mentoring sessions on the topic of communication and advocacy, within the "Pippi of today" project. A social cafe was organized in the "Hristo Botev" municipal library with girls accommodated in the reception centre in Bosilegrad and their peers - high school students from Bosilegrad.


Subotica: Roundtable on the topic of risks and dangers from human trafficking

Photo: RTV (Kristijan Takač)

Refuge brings numerous challenges and dangers, with women and children being most at risk on that journey into the unknown. Passing through different countries whose language they do not speak, where they meet strangers every day, makes the refugee population particularly vulnerable.


Join NGO Atina's action

The Association “Atina” is a women's feminist organization, founded in 2003 in Belgrade with the intent to upgrade the fight against human trafficking and all forms of gender-based violence, improve the protection and position of victims, strengthen gender equality and contribute to wider social cohesion.


NGO Atina at the CCPCJ side event - Operationalizing engagement in the Blue Heart Campaign

The 31st Session of the CCPCJ side event Operationalizing engagement in the Blue Heart Campaign was held online, on May 17, 2022.

The Blue Heart Campaign, supported by governments, the private sector, NGOs, goodwill ambassadors and concerned individuals around the world, seeks to encourage involvement and inspire action to combat human trafficking. All proceeds to the Blue Heart Campaign go to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.


Prostitution in Serbia goes under the radar: What are the penalties and whom they are most often imposed on

Prostitution in Serbia goes under the radar: What are the penalties and whom they are most often imposed on

Author: Nataša Jovanović


In the action of the Ministry of the Interior at the beginning of April, 29 persons were arrested for “elite prostitution”, among them three pimps and 26 girls. According to the current law, penalties for engaging in prostitution are usually monetary and paid by women, not their clients.


61 journalists in the Balkan region trained on Gender-Sensitive Reporting

NGO Atina held three two-day trainings online on strengthening the capacities of media to combat gender-based violence and human trafficking and to empower women. The trainings took place on December 8-9 and 22-23, 2021, as well as on March 2-3, 2022, for a total of 61 journalists and writers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.


Milan Aleksić: A mistake of state institutions does not imply a permit for the media to continue violating the privacy of victims

Milan Aleksić: A mistake of state institutions does not imply a permit for the media to continue violating the privacy of victims

Four years have passed since the adoption of the Law on Personal Data Protection in Serbia, but there are still misinterpretations about the application of this act by certain institutions, i.e. about the need to consistently and adequately protect citizens’ personal data.

