Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police, was a guest of NGO Atina and our social enterprise Bagel Bejgl shop during her visit to Belgrade.
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Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police, was a guest of NGO Atina and our social enterprise Bagel Bejgl shop during her visit to Belgrade.
Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police, was a guest of NGO Atina and our social enterprise Bagel Bejgl shop during her visit to Belgrade.
Belgrade - Citizens' Association for combating trafficking in human beings and all forms of violence against women "Atina" received a license to provide the service of assisted housing.
SOURCE: B92 THURSDAY, 8/03/2018 | 13:49
Belgrade - Citizens' Association for combating trafficking in human beings and all forms of violence against women "Atina" received a license to provide the service of assisted housing.
SOURCE: B92 THURSDAY, 8/03/2018 | 13:49
Today, March 8, 2018, in the light of the announcement that NGO Atina has become licensed to provide the service of assisted housing intended for girls and women - victims of human trafficking a
Citizens' Association "Atina" has become licensed to provide the service of assisted housing intended for girls and women - victims of human trafficking and various forms of exploitation.
Citizens' Association "Atina" has become licensed to provide the service of assisted housing intended for girls and women - victims of human trafficking and various forms of exploitation.
Sharon Gesthuizen, a member of the Dutch Parliament and the Socialist Party, met with the representatives of NGO Atina during the SCI visit to Serbia.
Today, on the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, US Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, and Minister Zoran Djordjevic visited the social enterprise of Citizens’ Association Atina, Bagel Bejgl shop, whose profits are financing recovery programs this organization runs for the v
Atina and Bagel Bejgl gained new allies in the fight for an equal society, Alona Fisher-Kamm, Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Serbia, and Rina Bar-Tal, President of the Israel Women's Network.
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