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Atina and UNFPA in response to refugee women’s needs

Project „Local support to the most vulnerable refugees“ was carried out by NGO Atina in partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Atina’s response to women refugees’ needs is based on the activities of the mobile teams which have enabled maintaining a timely support system created three years ago, when refugee and migrant crisis expanded on the Balkan route. Thanks to the individual work, through urgent interventions in the field, counselling, and case management, the team has provided support to women and girls coming from the refugee and migrant population.
The total of 26 women accommodated in asylum and reception centers in Krnjaca, Bogovadja, Bujanovac and Vranje have been provided support through individual work, while 344 women and girls have had the opportunity to take part in workshops aimed at opening the dialogue on gender equality and gender-based violence. These workshops opened the topics that are significant in the process of self-advocacy and advocacy on gender perspective of refugee crisis on which each of them can impact in their respective communities.
“It is fundamental that we talk about this, it is crucial that we, as women from other countries, know our rights here, to jointly fight and make room for ourselves. We have to be solidary, women understand each other best”, one workshop participant noted.