Underage girls most common targets

Digital Platform for youth "How to protect yourself from human trafficking?" is launched

Who cares about the victims’ dignity?

Photo: Columbia Spectator Website

There is not much time left to apply for an incredible event we are very much looking forward to!

Atina: Sexually abused children are being inflicted irreversible damage once their identity is disclosed

Photo taken from the website: https://www.hindustantimes.com/

Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia

Photo: Jack Sullivan/Alamy Stock Photo

Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk

Photo: Jordan Times

Half of the victims of human trafficking are minors, and it is feared that the number of victims is up to 10 times higher

Terms of Reference for the External Evaluator

Published on August 16, 2021

Project title: Making a difference for refugee women and girls in Serbia

Children speak of human trafficking

Photo: Marija Piroški

Child trafficking in the Republic of Serbia – ahead of July 30, World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Photo: Marija Piroshki
