migration crisis

Migrations can not be stopped, closing borders pushes people into the hands of smugglers

Belgrade non-governmental organisation Atina has been fighting against human trafficking and all forms of gender-based violence since 2004, and dedicates a special place in their programmes to the assistance to refugees, and the protection and advocacy, especially of women and children refugees. In Kontrola leta, we talked with Jelena Hrnjak from NGO Atina.


NGO Atina at the meeting with scholarship students of Konrad Adenauer Foundation

We spent two hours talking with the scholarship students of Konrad Adenauer Foundation about the work of NGO Atina, refugee crisis and our work with refugees in the field. The students were particularly interested to know what it feels like to work with the most vulnerable among the refugee population, persons who have suffered some form of violence or exploitation, unaccompanied minors and children.


Letter to European Leaders

As national and international organizations working along the Western Balkan migration route in Greece, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Croatia, we strongly condemn the latest discriminatory and dangerous measures adopted by European countries as part of a broader package of deterrence policies intended to stem the flow of vulnerable people seeking safety.
