NGO Atina became a member of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention
NGO Atina became a member of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention on the EU
NGO Atina became a member of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention on the EU
Ilija Đukanović, Local Anti-Trafficking Team of the City of Subotica, and Jelena Hrnjak, NGO Atina
The Advocacy Group represents a type of spice; when you prepare a meal and put the spice, the smell will be felt everywhere. When the organizations talked about our problems, I don't think anyone cared because they just said: okay, now you've shared it, and that's fine. But this Advocacy Group shows who the people behind the name "refugees" really are. They are smart, they are strong, they are empowered women who are behind that refugee label. ~ Christa, from the film “Women on the Move”
Give girls their deserved place in society
Published on November 14, 2023, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e., NGO Atina)
We need stricter sanctions and for the system to recognize revenge pornography as a separate criminal offense / Illustration: Freepik
After the report against the administrator of the Telegram group where intimate videos of girls were shared was dismissed, the question of why revenge pornography is not a criminal offense has been raised again. One of the victims talks about life after the published video.
Written by Nikolina Ilić
ToR for a consultant to develop case studies aimed at showcasing the present system of identification, referral, and protection of victims of HT and GBV in Serbia
Published on October 15, 2023, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e., NGO Atina)
Project title: Improving referrals and services for migrant and refugee survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking in Serbia.
Photo: NGO "Atina
Working with children, witnesses, and victims of domestic violence is crucial for the future of us all
The training entitled “Improving the knowledge and skills of professional workers in work with children witnesses or victims of domestic violence” was organized on September 28, 29, and 30 in Golubac for 27 professional workers from the social protection system.
A Counseling center for children victims of violence opened in Niš
The first and only Counseling center for children in the Republic of Serbia was opened on September 8, 2023, within the Safe House in Niš. In addition to the Counseling Center, an SOS hotline service is also available for children to independently report problems and ask for assistance and support from professional workers.
Feminist social transformation: Digital violence as a priority topic of youth activism - Club "With girls and for girls" from Novi Sad
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