Jelena Hrnjak

RTS: Traffickers are mostly known to the victim

After drug and arms trafficking, human trafficking is one of the most lucrative illegal businesses. The most common victims are children and women. The number of people globally at risk of falling prey to this crime ranges between tens of thousands to several millions. Since the beginning of the year, 25 victims of human trafficking have been identified in Serbia. On European Anti-Trafficking Day, a message is sent to all the citizens that they are obliged to report this criminal offense.


Vesti Online: "Courts as torture chambers"

Photograph: Vesti Online


Jelena Hrnjak, Programme Manager of Citizens’ Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Gender-Based Violence Atina, points out that the greatest challenge lies in the fact that this position of victims before the court depends on judicial discretion. That is, whether a person has the status of a particularly sensitive witness that can provide them with a lower degree of stress and secondary victimization, depends solely on the judge's decision.


Nedeljnik: When a girl is promised, it is set in stone, there is no refusal: How is it possible that Serbia has not banned child marriages yet?

Photo: Profimedia

Without any discussion or explanation, the mother sent her underage daughter with a bag of clothes, stating that the young man was her husband. “When a girl is promised, it is set in stone, there is no refusal”, she was told. The girl was too afraid to say anything, she just cried. In the house where she was married, or sold, she lived with this man and his family. On the same day when she came, she was forced to have her first sexual intercourse with her “husband”, after which she was beaten and threatened, which occurred on a daily basis.


Expert associations question how prohibition of child marriages will be controlled

Photograph taken from the website

Amendments and addenda to the Family Law are being prepared: Expert associations question how prohibition of child marriages will be controlled

Some 2,000 child marriages occur every year in Serbia, and our country is only now preparing to prohibit them, according to the latest amendments and addenda to the Family Law ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 18/2005, 72/2011 - ot. law and 6/2015).


VESTI Online "Tar and feathers without condemnation"

Tar and feathers without condemnation

Leader of the Radical Party, Vojislav Seselj, threatened a member of Democrat Party, Aleksandra Jerkov, with tarring and head-shaving, while all Serbian institutions, except for the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic and a number of opposition MPs ignored these threats, the same as last year when the leader of Serbian Radical Party called his colleague "Ustasha whore". 


B92: "Gender discrimination as an issue of Serbian society"

Gender discrimination as an issue of Serbian society​

Discrimination is something we have been facing throughout the history of humankind, and gender discrimination is its most common form. We face it every day, without even being aware of it. 

SOURCE: B92 Wednesday, December 26, 2018 | 08:00 -> 08:37

State Secretary within the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Government of Serbia, Darko Stanic, had an unseemly reaction at the conference on gender stereotypes, organized by nongovernmental organization "Atina", who reported it promptly.


A representative of the Citizens’ Association Atina at Law School in Kosovska Mitrovica

Lecture on “Suppression of human trafficking and human trafficking victim protection (process and non-process aspect)

At University in Pristina, Law School in Kosovska Mitrovica, Jelena Hrnjak from Citizens’ Association Atina, a member of Republic team for combating human trafficking in Republic of Serbia, gave a lecture to the Law School students on “Suppression of human trafficking and human trafficking victim protection (process and non-process aspect).

