NGO Atina

Prosecutor Sena Uzunović: More than 30 million people are exploited in labor, among them are children

More than 30 million people are currently exploited in labor; children are also affected by this phenomenon, and the most common type of labor exploitation is that of children living and working on the streets, said the Prosecutor of the State Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sena Uzunović, at the Specialized Mentoring Session for Representatives of Local Teams implemented by Citizens’ Association Atina in five cities of the Republic of Serbia - Šabac, Niš, Vranje, Sremska Mitrovica and Subotica.


Hrnjak Jelena: The problems for victims of violence will only begin after the pandemic calms

The pandemic has shown that life of a woman, victim of violence, is in many ways reminiscent of a permanent state of emergency due to various factors, and the problems will only begin after the pandemic calms, said Jelena Hrnjak, Programme Manager of Citizens' Association Atina, at the roundtable “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups".


Voice of America: Child marriages an issue for girls in Serbia as well

Girls in Serbia often suffer various forms of discrimination or gender-based violence, and the most drastic issue are child marriages, according to the nongovernmental organization "Atina".

A social worker from that organization, Andrijana Radoičić Nedeljković, told the Voice of America that girls face inequality almost from conception.


Exploited workers in Europe’s slaughterhouses

Exploited workers in Europe’s slaughterhouses


Meat factories in Europe have been exposed as one of the most infections hotspots for COVID-19. Researchers, journalists, and activists are concerned that this is related to exploitative working conditions, which were made worse by the pandemic. Inadequate housing and low wages in the leading European meat producing countries, such as Germany, are the likeliest explanation for the outbreaks.


Marijana Savic one of the two new Board member of Global Fund for Children

Global Fund for Children announces the election of two new Board members: Nicholas Antonas to the UK Trust Board of Trustees and Marijana “Maja” Savic to the Global Board of Directors.

GFC’s Directors and Trustees bring wisdom and experience drawn from a deep body of knowledge. GFC honors their contributions as an integral part of its work to support local community-based organizations advancing the rights and opportunities of children and youth around the world.

