NGO Atina

BLIC: "They act as friends, offer a job and quick profits” We investigate: Who and how falls prey to cruel human traffickers

“An arrest for human trafficking and mediation in prostitution” - not a month goes by without newspaper columns being filled with articles about the exploitation of people, workers, women for the purpose of human trafficking. “Blic” has been exploring this phenomenon, who the most common victims are, but also how we can deal with it as a society.


Breakthrough Council members: As long as a single woman in Serbia suffers violence, our voice must be heard

Working for almost two decades on developing direct support programs for girls and women who have experienced gender-based violence and human trafficking, the key principle that Atina's team is guided by in its work is the principle of full and comprehensive participation. Atina's basic starting point is to create program activities according to the requirements and needs of each girl and woman who is a part of her.


Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.

Photo: NGO Atina's archive

Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.


Terms of Reference for a Consultant for mapping services of social protection and local referral pathways

Terms of Reference for a Consultant for mapping services of social protection and local referral pathways 

Project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia” is carried out by NGO Atina and International Rescue Committee (IRC) with the support of the Government of the United States

Targeted Municipalities: Vranje, Subotica, Novi Sad, Niš, Sremska Mitrovica, Kragujevac, and Kraljevo

Published on December 13, 2019


National Coordinator recognized the importance of the Breakthrough Council formed as part of NGO Atina's program

A meeting between the Breakthrough Council on behalf of NGO Atina, and Mitar Đurašković - National Coordinator for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings was held in Belgrade, on December 4, 2019. The meeting was held in the premises of the Reintegration Center of NGO Atina. This was an opportunity for Mr.


Combating Human Trafficking in Serbia: In 2019, we are still speaking about things that should have been long since eradicated

Human trafficking in Serbia – misconceptions, challenges and progress

In 2018, a total of 76 human trafficking victims have been identified in Serbia – 34 out of whom for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and 18 for the purpose of forced labor – shows, among other things, the U.S. Department of State 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report.


Marijana Savic spoke at DCI’s 7th International Conference on Child Rights & Sight

Marijana Savic, director of NGO Atina, was among more than 25 distinguished speakers at DCI’s 7th International Conference on Child Rights & Sight held on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at Yale University. The Conference on Child Rights & Sight is part of DCI’s global initiative to raise awareness of children’s rights and blindness prevention. It is one of Connecticut’s largest international gatherings in the non-profit sector.


Terms of Reference for the Lecturer to conduct workshops on the subject of Child Trafficking within the migrant population

Photo from the conference: Risks of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual and other exploitation of children and young refugees and migrants in Serbia, NGO Atina and Save the Children, May 2019

Published on November 18th 2019   

Training place: Bihac, Bosnia and Hercegovina    

Project title: Children are not for sale

Project is carried out by NGO Atina, and Center for Youth Integration, with the support of Save the Children and Swedish Radio Aid

