NGO Atina

NGO Atina is part of the newly-established SEE Digital Rights Network

Illustration: BIRN

Facing a rise in digital rights violations, more than a dozen rights organisations have agreed to work together to protect individuals and societies in Southeast Europe.

Nineteen organisations from Southeast Europe have joined forces in a newly-established network that aims to advance the protection of digital rights and address the growing challenges posed by the widespread use of advanced technologies in society.


Recommendations of women victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking to improve support systems and services

1. Victims must be informed of all their rights and informed in a timely manner of all services and the functioning of the entire support mechanism and the clear mandates of all actors involved, in a way that is clear and understandable to them.
2. It is necessary to establish the entire support mechanism on the needs of the victim and respect the full participation of the victim, for the support system to be centered on the victim, to move from "work for the victim" to "work with the victim". Not only to be asked but also to be heard.


Civil society and the media will not give up the fight for a democratic and free Serbia

The media and civil society organizations demand from the Ministry of Finance and the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering to immediately present the grounds for suspicion due to which they ordered the extraordinary collection of information about organizations, media, and individuals from the commercial banks.


Committed to the Cause: Working on the Frontline to End Human Trafficking

Photo: UNODC

On the occasion of July 30, World Day against Trafficking in Persons, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been publishing stories of people working on the frontline to end human trafficking. Our colleague Jelena Hrnjak, Programme Manager of NGO Atina, took part in the campaign and shared her thoughts and insights.  

My job in Atina is to make sure that our long-term social inclusion programme for trafficking survivors functions smoothly.


She counts! Empowering girls to make their choices

This year UNFPA is initiating an exciting campaign #SheCounts, which advocates for the value of women and girls, gender equality and the end of harmful practices. #SheCounts campaign aims to change destructive attitudes and practices which do not value girls and develop the equality in the society. The strength of the campaign is also in supporting the annual report of the State of World Population (SWOP 2020) that has been launched.

Serbia is also a part of this global initiative, particularly UNFPA Serbia as well as NGO Atina.


Growing number of women killed in domestic violence


Violence against women is on the rise in Serbia, according to data from the Safe House Belgrade, while the Autonomous Women's Center says that almost every third perpetrator repeats the act whose direct or indirect victims in a number of cases are children.

In the period from January to June, 14 women were killed in domestic violence, which is five more than in the same period last year, Vesna Stanojević coordinator of the Safe House said to “Vesti”.

