NGO Atina

Girls in Serbia – a voice that should be heard

During December 2018, NGO ATINA has continued with activities from the project “With and for girls” in cooperation with Youth Offices from Obrenovac, Jagodina, Novog Pazar, Kikinda and Vranje, though trainings/seminars/workshops on gender equality. The training was attended by high school girls interested in contributing to the improvement of position of girls and the promotion of gender equality in their respective communities with the support of Youth Offices. 


Atina and UNFPA in response to refugee women’s needs

Project „Local support to the most vulnerable refugees“ was carried out by NGO Atina in partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Atina’s response to women refugees’ needs is based on the activities of the mobile teams which have enabled maintaining a timely support system created three years ago, when refugee and migrant crisis expanded on the Balkan route. Thanks to the individual work, through urgent interventions in the field, counselling, and case management, the team has provided support to women and girls coming from the refugee and migrant population. 


“We have to be solidary, women understand each other best”

In project “Local support to the most vulnerable from the refugee population” that has been implemented with the support of United Nations Population Fund, mutual support and understanding of women are the framework of the activities carried out. 

“It is essential that we talk about this, it is important that we, women from other countries are familiar with our rights here, so that we can fight jointly and make space for ourselves”.


NGO Atina to Udovicic: State Secretary’s humiliating behavior with a colleague

The presentation of analysis on gender stereotypes and gender-based violence was marked with an incident

since non-governmental organization Atina reported to the Minister of Youth and Sport Vanja Udovicic that the State Secretary Darko Stanic spanked a colleague with papers.  

"Mr. Stanic’s misbehaviour demonstrated inequality between women and men in our society, by using the authority to demonstrate power and violence", noted Atina in the complaint addressed to Udovicic.


Blic News "At the gender-based violence event State Secretary insulted women, then hit his colleague's gluteus with papers!?"

At the gender-based violence event, State Secretary insulted women, then hit his colleague's gluteus with papers!? This is his justification

Blic News, D. Lukovic December 25, 2018 11:50

At the presentation of analysis on gender stereotypes and gender-based violence, Darko Stanic, State Secretary with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and a celebrated former handball player, insulted women saying they are poor drivers, and then hit his colleague Ana Kapetanovic's gluteus with papers.


Terms of Reference for Cultural Mediator for the project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia “

Terms of Reference for Cultural Mediator for the project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia “

Published on December 1st, 2018



Vulnerability to exploitation and human trafficking: The case of Serbia

Thursday, November 8, 2018 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118 St., New York, NY 10027 Room 1219
Please join the Harriman Institute and the Human Rights Advocates Program at the Institute for the Study of Human Rights for a talk with Marijana Savic, Director of Atina, the Citizens' Association for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Gender-Based Violence.

Practitioners in the fight against human trafficking

Practitioners in the fight against human trafficking

Within the project “Children are not for sale“, jointly implemented by NGO Atina, Center for Youth Integration with support of Save the Children and Swedish Radio Aid, a two day training “Practitioners in the Fight against Human Trafficking” took place. The training is specifically tailored to both male and female representatives of partner civil society organisations, to include the following: Praxis, Center for Youth Integration, Group 484 and Save the Children.

