NGO Atina

Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on the subject of Protection of individuals among refugee and migrant population from gender based violence

Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on the subject of protection of individuals among refugee and migrant from gender based violence

Published on August the 1st 2019                             

Project title: Children are not for sale

Project is carried out by NGO Atina, Center for Youth Integration with support of Save the Children and Swedish Radio Aid



Empowering women through social entrepreneurship

Ilustration by: Marija Matić Dobre brlje

Women are more likely to be social entrepreneurs and they often do so for much more than just financial reasons. Often, women also decide to create social enterprises in order to support other women. So, how can social entrepreneurship economically empower women and girls across the world?

Social enterprises are by women for women


Trafficking and Femicide: ultimate forms of violence against women

Trafficking and Femicide: ultimate forms of violence against women

Lately, NGO Atina has been increasingly asked about the connection between femicide and trafficking. However, before the issue was raised at a conference organized in order to mark Women Violence Victims’ National Remembrance Day in May 2019, this very connection wasn’t considered as a specific topic in Serbia. 


NGO Atina: Women victims of trafficking at high risk of femicide

Despite numerous campaigns aimed at its suppression, human trafficking still represents one of the greatest issues of not only Serbia, but the whole world. Speaking of her experience in dealing with women who survived human trafficking, Sanja Kandic from “Atina” points out that they had previously been victims of violence, and that they were not recognized by the system at all. “Consequently, this leads to the fact that, as victims, they are invisible which means that the femicide itself is invisible.

