Bagel Bejgl

The ultimate solution in combating violence is achieving equality

Photograph: Jakov Simović

The ultimate solution in combating violence is achieving equality

In celebration of women's strength and women's entrepreneurship, and on the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a Bazaar "Women's Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship" was organized on July 30, 2019 at Dorcol Platz in the framework of the project "Support to Priority Actions for Gender Equality in Serbia", implemented by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) with funding from the European Union.


RTS: "Selling bagels to assist victims of violence"

Sunday, May 12, 2019, 09:55 -> 10:03
Source: RTS
Author: Visnja Visnjic Milic
Selling bagels to assist victims of violence​
There is an alternative for those whose favorite breakfast is not burek. It was created in the organization "Atina" when they began producing bagels. All profits from this pastry sale is directed toward assistance to victims of violence and human trafficking. How they decided to make such a step and how challenging it is to run a social enterprise in Serbia.  

Žene na prekretnici: Bagel Bejgl at a panel discussion on social entrepreneurship

On November 25, 2018, Association Žene na prekretnici organized a panel discussion "Challenges, Results, Plans: Social Entrepreneurship as a Model for Economic Empowerment and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", as part of the Serbian Visions multicongress. The panel included Marija Radovanović from the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ), mentor and trainer Sonja Dakić, Milica Gudović from social enterprise Bagel Begl, Ivanka Stamenović from Ekobag, Vladica Jovanović from Brodoto, while the panel was moderated by journalist Maja Kukavica.


SENSES - SE Bagel Bejgl

Bagel Бејгл was awarded WEEmpower certificate for their efforts on advancing Sustainable Development Goals and improving the position of women and girls in our society and globally!

The certificate was awarded at the UnitedNation Headquarters, as part of the WEEmpower UN SDG Challenge.

Learn more about Bagel Bejgl in the video below.

